"There's Only Two Genders".

        Besides being a therapist, I am also a member of the greater pagan community. There are toxic people out there with narratives like "There are only two genders". These people are not limited to who you might think they are. They are literally everywhere, and it is sad. Specifically, I have seen a rise in pagan communities, especially Wicca, in binary thinking. This is an outdated and dangerous concept, and it trickles down to our youth. Our impressionable youth who are suffering and trying to grapple with their identities for the first time. 

        I was with a non-binary client the other night who is in middle school. They were talking about a "bully" in school that was insisting that 1. "Gay is a bad thing" because he is a "Christian" and 2. That "there are only two genders". My client-bless their heart (they are a chip off the old block)-challenged this individual. They said, "Actually there are 28 genders out there". The kid was apparently flabbergasted and began to Google what my client said. 

         The point of this post? Ignorance still exists in 2022. Even among Gen Z and Generation Alpha still harbor ignorance. Some of this comes from ignorant parents. Some of this comes from relgion. Some of this comes from unfiltered social media. Some of this comes from their friends. The point is-if you're faced with this type of behavior, challenge it. Don't just walk away. Get in those assholes faces and EDUCATE them. Have strength. This is the only way to change the world. Healthline defines 68 terms to define gender

        Remember gender is a spectrum, just like sexuality. This is not black and white. This is not binary. The bullies and the ignorant are the ones that need to change. Own who you are, and be proud of it! 

 Love and success, 

 The non-binary therapist
