
Showing posts from November, 2022

"There's Only Two Genders".

          Besides being a therapist, I am also a member of the greater pagan community. There are toxic people out there with narratives like "There are only two genders". These people are not limited to who you might think they are. They are literally everywhere, and it is sad. Specifically, I have seen a rise in pagan communities, especially Wicca, in binary thinking. This is an outdated and dangerous concept, and it trickles down to our youth. Our impressionable youth who are suffering and trying to grapple with their identities for the first time.            I was with a non-binary client the other night who is in middle school. They were talking about a "bully" in school that was insisting that 1. "Gay is a bad thing" because he is a "Christian" and 2. That "there are only two genders". My client-bless their heart (they are a chip off the old block)-challenged this individual. They said, "Actually there are 28 gende...

Non-Binary Clothing

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a client of mine that identifies as non-binary, and they brought up the concept of non-binary clothing. Let's be clear first: I don't think clothing does or should possess gender. All genders should be free to wear whatever clothing they want, despite the color, cut, or style. However, the idea of gender neutral clothing is (or those that can be defined as neither overtly "feminine" or "masculine") is one I often find myself feeling most comfortable in, so I could empathize with their frustration.  To date, I know of no official non-binary clothing lines, but to help them, I started formulating a list of non-binary or gender neutral clothing resources. So, if you're one of those people like my client and me, and you feel you want to dress somewhere in the middle, please consider these options:  https://www.genderfreeworld. com divided/...

Forcing people to come out-How the straight world doesn't think about us.

I work for a rather large agency, for one of my counseling jobs. It's of those corporations that likes to claim they're LGBTQ+ friendly, but like everyone else in corporate, straight, America, they have large blind spots.  About a month ago, I was in a required meeting, and the topic of pronouns on Zoom was brought up. In the session, a CIS, straight, white woman, announces, "If you don't already have your pronouns on Zoom, please put them up. It shows people we are accepting of LGBTQ+". I sat there for a second and recognized what was wrong with this statement.....         By forcing clinicians to put their pronouns on Zoom, you are forcing them to come out their fellow employees, their superiors, and even their clients. Let that sink in for a second. They were so concerned about being accepting that they forgot that an LGBTQ+ employee might be on their staff and that they may not be out to their colleagues and superiors, not to mention their clients....